Mission Statement

The China Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand (CCCNZ) was founded in 2002 as an organisation committed to providing a broad range of support, services, and resources to its members in an effort to foster the mutual understanding, trust and trade between China and New Zealand.

CCCNZ functions as a conduit between New Zealand and China, actively fostering business growth among its members and facilitating regular exchanges. Through strategic promotion, active engagement, and high-level dialogue, CCCNZ endeavors to enhance mutually advantageous economic relations between New Zealand and China in the realms of commerce and government.

CCCNZ hosts numerous events, forums and conferences with vibrant panel discussions. The Chamber has been active in the community connecting NZ businesses as a link to China trade the past decade; such as New Zealand Tourism Investment Summit in 2016, Vision 2020 New Zealand – China Business Summit, the 2nd & 3rd China International Import Expo Roadshow hosting more than 100 NZ exporters to participate in the 2nd & 3rd China International Import Expo in Shanghai held annually.

CCCNZ hosted a 100+ strong delegation to Opening Doors to the West Business Forum 2019 to Chengdu and Xi’an as an opportunity for participants to make valuable connections by experiencing China’s western region directly by hearing from specialists about the regional market and consumers in conjunction with China New Zealand Year of Tourism 2019.

The Chamber is actively involved as corporate citizens participating in the annual Round the Bays and a Charity Gala raising over $200,000 for Starship Foundation, Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Auckland City Mission, Mercy Hospice and St. John vehicles.




  • 促进中新经济合作:作为中新两国的经济桥梁,我们致力于推动双方的商贸往来,搭建合作平台。
  • 支持中资企业在新西兰融入与发展:为中国企业提供关键支持,协助其在新西兰取得成功并融入当地市场。
  • 促进会员企业间的合作与沟通:建立紧密的商业社区,促进会员企业之间的互动、合作和共赢。
  • 维护商业权益:代表会员企业提出申诉,确保他们的商业权益得到妥善保护。
  • 推动中新企业间的合作:协助新西兰本地企业更好地了解和进入中国市场,扩展业务机会。
  • 履行社会责任:积极参与慈善活动,支持社会公益事业,展现商会对社会责任的承担。
  • 举办重要活动:组织各类大型活动,如峰会和经济研讨会,以促进商业合作与交流。

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$ 1.00