新西兰中国商会邀您参与ROUND THE BAYS 活动

2021年2月28日,一年一度的奥克兰Round the Bays活动又将拉开帷幕。遗憾错过去年活动的会员们,千万不要再次错过。




Come to join us !

Dear CCCNZ members, 

China Chamber’s annually event Round the Bays has been arrived and we are kindly inviting you to join China Chamber’s team and enjoy the Barbeque Party after the game. The start line is located downtown at Auckland on Quay St beside Spark Arena. We then sweep through the bays, finishing in St Heliers Bay.

When registering, please be sure to select an appropriate Start Group for your expected ability, Runner (35-50mins), Jogger (50-80mins) & Walkers (80+ mins). Please note you cannot change your Start Group once you have purchased your entry.

Chamber will offer you the Barbeque Lamb and drinks on Madills Farm, short 10-minute walk from the finish area at Vellenoweth Green.

Please note: 

If you registered under China Chamber’s team, we would collect your bib and send to you prior to event day (28 Feb 2021).

Please contact TIAN TIAN to receive the China Chamber Team joining Password and the guideline for the registration.


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